Frequently asked questions

  • Yes, I offer telehealth counseling in addition to in-person sessions using an encrypted, HIPAA-compliant video platform.

  • I do my best to accommodate the availability and needs of my clients. I often have several evening and Saturday appointments available each week.

  • It depends on the client and what they’re working through, but the goal - regardless of how long or little it takes to reach it - is for you to have the skills and confidence to move onward and upward. But my door is always open for the moments when life throws you a curveball and you want to process things in a safe and familiar environment.

  • I do not currently take insurance and would be considered an “out-of-network” provider. However, I can provide you with a “superbill” to submit to your insurance company for reimbursement. Contact your insurance company regarding this process and whether reimbursement is possible for your specific plan. Please contact me directly to discuss any other billing questions related to my practice.

  • My fee is $150 for a 60-minute session. Sliding fee scale rates are available on a limited basis.

  • Item descriptionPayment is due in full at the end of each session. I currently accept credit cards, personal checks, FSAs (workplace Flexible Spending Accounts), and HSAs (Health Savings Accounts).

  • I require a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or reschedule (for both in-person and Telehealth). Otherwise, I charge a $75.00 cancellation fee. To cancel or change your scheduled appointment, please call or text me at (314) 949-7820.

For additional information

If the above FAQ doesn't answer all your questions, click on the button below to schedule your free consultation call, and I'll be happy to help!